Mastering Emacs: How to Insert a Newline if Yas-Selected-Text Doesn’t End with One
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Mastering Emacs: How to Insert a Newline if Yas-Selected-Text Doesn’t End with One

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Welcome, Emacs enthusiasts! Are you tired of dealing with yas-selected-text that doesn’t end with a newline? Do you find yourself constantly juggling code snippets and formatting? Fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll embark on a journey to conquer this pesky issue once and for all.

What is Yas-Selected-Text, Anyway?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what yas-selected-text is. Yas, or Yet Another Snippet, is a popular Emacs package that allows you to insert code snippets and templates into your editor. Yas-selected-text refers to the text that is currently selected or highlighted in your Emacs buffer.

The Problem: Yas-Selected-Text Without a Newline

Now, imagine you’re working on a project, and you need to insert a code snippet using Yas. You select the snippet, and voilĂ ! The code appears in your buffer. But, oh no! The yas-selected-text doesn’t end with a newline character. This can lead to formatting issues, syntax errors, and a general sense of discomfort.

The Solution: Inserting a Newline with Elisp

Fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution! We’ll use Emacs Lisp (Elisp) to create a custom function that checks if the yas-selected-text ends with a newline and inserts one if necessary. But before we get to the code, let’s break down the problem and the solution:

  • Problem: Yas-selected-text doesn’t end with a newline character.
  • Solution: Write an Elisp function to check if the yas-selected-text ends with a newline and insert one if necessary.

Step 1: Define the Function

(defun yas-insert-newline-if-necessary ()
  "Insert a newline character if yas-selected-text doesn't end with one."
  (let ((yas-text (yas-selected-text)))
    (if (not (string-suffix-p "\n" yas-text))
        (yas-insert "\n"))))

Let’s dissect this code snippet:

  • (defun yas-insert-newline-if-necessary ...): Defines a new Elisp function named yas-insert-newline-if-necessary.
  • (interactive): Makes the function interactive, meaning it can be called from the Emacs command loop.
  • (let ((yas-text (yas-selected-text))) ...): Binds the variable yas-text to the value of (yas-selected-text), which returns the currently selected text in the Yas buffer.
  • (if (not (string-suffix-p "\n" yas-text)) ...): Checks if the yas-text does not end with a newline character (\n). If true, the code inside the if statement is executed.
  • (yas-insert "\n")): Inserts a newline character at the end of the yas-selected-text using the yas-insert function.

Step 2: Add the Function to Yas

To make our new function work with Yas, we need to add it to the Yas post-command-hook:

(add-hook 'yas-post-command-hook 'yas-insert-newline-if-necessary)

This code adds our yas-insert-newline-if-necessary function to the Yas post-command-hook, which is triggered after every Yas command.

Testing the Solution

Now that we’ve defined the function and added it to Yas, let’s test it out! Follow these steps:

  1. Open a new Emacs buffer.
  2. Activate Yas mode (M-x yas-minor-mode).
  3. Insert a code snippet using Yas (M-x yas-insert-snippet).
  4. The snippet should now end with a newline character!

Troubleshooting Tips

If the solution doesn’t work as expected, try the following:

  • Check that Yas mode is activated in your Emacs buffer.
  • Verify that the yas-insert-newline-if-necessary function is defined and added to the Yas post-command-hook.
  • Try debugging the function using Emacs’s built-in debugging tools (M-x debug-on-entry).


And there you have it, folks! With this custom Elisp function, you’ll never have to worry about yas-selected-text without a newline character again. Remember, the key to mastering Emacs is to never stop learning and exploring. Happy coding!

Function Description
yas-selected-text Returns the currently selected text in the Yas buffer.
yas-insert Inserts text at the end of the Yas buffer.
string-suffix-p Checks if a string ends with a given suffix.
yas-post-command-hook A hook that is triggered after every Yas command.

Hope this article has been informative and helpful! If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Question

Yas, yas, yas! Let’s get those newline woes sorted out!

How do I insert a newline if yas-selected-text doesn’t end with one?

Easy peasy! You can use the `yas-put-string` function and pass a `\n` as the argument. For example: `(yas-put-string (concat yas-selected-text “\n”))`. This will insert the selected text and add a newline at the end.

What if I want to insert a newline only if the selected text doesn’t already end with one?

Good thinking! You can use the `string-match` function to check if the selected text ends with a newline. Here’s an example: `(unless (string-match “\n\\'” yas-selected-text) (yas-put-string “\n”))`. This will insert a newline only if the selected text doesn’t already end with one.

Can I use this technique with other yas- functions?

You bet! This technique can be used with other yas- functions like `yas-replace` or `yas-prepend`. Just adjust the function calls and arguments accordingly.

What if I’m using a newer version of YASnippet?

In newer versions of YASnippet, you can use the `yas-emit` function instead of `yas-put-string`. The syntax is similar: `(yas-emit (concat yas-selected-text “\n”))`. Give it a try!

Any gotchas I should be aware of?

One thing to keep in mind is that these techniques assume you’re working with text in a buffer. If you’re using YASnippet in a different context, you might need to adjust the code accordingly. Also, be mindful of edge cases, like when the selected text is empty or Nil.

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