In what circumstances does a variable defined in get imported as a variable vs a module?
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In what circumstances does a variable defined in get imported as a variable vs a module?

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Welcome to the world of Python package magic! In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating realm of files and explore the enigmatic circumstances under which a variable defined within gets imported as a variable versus a module. Buckle up, folks, and let’s get started!

The Mysterious File


Defining Variables in

Now, let’s say you define a variable within the file:

my_variable = "I'm a variable!"

The question is, how does Python treat this variable when you import the package?

The Variable Conundrum

When you import a package, Python performs the following steps:

  1. Executable code in is executed.
  2. The package’s namespace is populated with the variables and modules defined within
  3. The package is imported, and its contents are made available to the importing module.

Here’s where things get interesting. When you define a variable in, it can be imported in two different ways, depending on the circumstances:

Circumstance 1: Importing as a Variable

If you import the package using the following syntax:

import my_package

The variable my_variable is imported as a variable, and you can access it using the package namespace:

print(my_package.my_variable)  # Output: I'm a variable!

This is because the variable is part of the package’s namespace, and you’re importing the entire package.

Circumstance 2: Importing as a Module

If you import the package using the following syntax:

from my_package import *

The variable my_variable is not imported as a variable; instead, it’s treated as a module!

print(my_variable)  # Error: NameError: name 'my_variable' is not defined

This is because the `from … import *` syntax imports all modules within the package, but not the variables defined in You’ll need to import the variable explicitly:

from my_package import my_variable
print(my_variable)  # Output: I'm a variable!

Why the Difference?

The reason for this difference lies in how Python handles package imports. When you use `import my_package`, Python imports the entire package, including its namespace. This means that all variables and modules defined in are imported as part of the package.

On the other hand, when you use `from my_package import *`, Python imports only the modules within the package, not the variables defined in This is because `import *` is equivalent to `import .modules`, which only imports modules, not variables.

Best Practices

To avoid confusion and ensure predictability, follow these best practices:

  • Avoid defining variables in files unless absolutely necessary.
  • Use explicit imports instead of `from … import *`.
  • Use meaningful names for your variables and modules to avoid naming conflicts.


In conclusion, the circumstances under which a variable defined in gets imported as a variable versus a module depend on the import syntax used. By understanding the nuances of package imports and following best practices, you’ll be able to harness the power of Python packages with confidence.

So, the next time you’re working with packages, remember to keep your files tidy and your imports explicit. Happy coding!

Import Syntax Variable Import Behavior
import my_package Imported as a variable
from my_package import * Not imported as a variable (imported as a module)

Note: This article is optimized for the keyword “In what circumstances does a variable defined in get imported as a variable vs a module?” to provide a comprehensive and SEO-friendly resource for developers.

Frequently Asked Question

Get clarity on when a variable defined in becomes a variable or a module!

What happens when I define a variable in

When you define a variable in, it gets imported as a module if you use a relative or absolute import statement. This means that the variable is treated as a module attribute, and you’ll need to access it using the module name, like `my_package.my_variable`.

Can I import a variable from as a variable, not a module?

Yes, you can! If you use the `import *` syntax or the `from my_package import my_variable` syntax, the variable will be imported as a standalone variable, not as a module attribute. However, be careful with wildcard imports, as they can lead to namespace pollution!

What if I define a function in How is it imported?

When you define a function in, it’s imported as a module attribute, just like a variable. You’ll need to access it using the module name, like `my_package.my_function()`. However, if you use the `from my_package import *` syntax, the function will be imported as a standalone function.

Can I use to expose a subset of variables or functions from a submodule?

Yes, you can! In, you can import specific variables or functions from submodules and re-export them. This allows you to curate a public API for your package and hide internal implementation details.

What’s the best practice for using to define and import variables?

Use sparingly and only for defining package-level constants or exposing a public API. Avoid defining complex logic or mutable state in, as it can lead to initialization-order issues and make your code harder to understand.

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